Iljko Karaman Collection of Court Records on Censorship

Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
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- Croatian
Name of collection
The Iljko Karaman Collection of Court Records on Censorship
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- legal and/or financial documentation: 500-999
- publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 100-499
Stakeholder(s) of the collection
Date of founding
- 1949
Place of founding
Zagreb, Croatia
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Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
- List of Books and Newspapers Which Were to Be Urgently Prohibited and Prevented from Further Distribution, ca 1946. Manuscript
- List of Forbidden Books and Newspapers, 1946. Manuscript
- Poster with an invitation for a students' general strike at the University of Zagreb, 1971. Publication
- The indictment against four girls for printing and distributing anti-Bolshevik leaflets, 1945. Manuscript
Access type
- parts are closed to the public
Author(s) of this page
- Mihaljević, Josip
- Shek Brnardić, Teodora
Cirkveni, Neven. „The Criminal Justice System of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: The Role of the Public Prosecutor (1943-1991)“. PhD diss., University of Connecticut, 1997.
Cirkveni, Nenad, and George F. Cole. 1990. "Prosecution in the Criminal Courts of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, Yugoslavia." Criminal Justice Review 15, no. 1: 37-47. Accessed October 4, 2016. doi:10.1177/073401689001500105.
Dović, Marijan. 2008. "Totalitarian and post-totalitarian censorship: From hard to soft?." Primerjalna Knjizevnost 31: 167-178. Accessed October 4, 2016.
Gabrič, Aleš. "Cenzura v Sloveniji po drugi svetovni vojni : od komunističnega Index librorum prohibitorum do ukinitve verbalnega delikta = Censorship in Slovenia after the World War II : from the communist Index librorum prohibitorum to abolition of the "verbal offence"." Primerjalna književnost 31 (2008): 63-77, 221-236.
Grbelja, Josip. Cenzura u hrvatskom novinstvu: 1945.-1990. (Censorship in the Croatian journalism). Zagreb: Naklada Jurčić, 1998. (a partial list of „Books that need to be urgently prohibited and their further circulation prevented” and a complete "List of banned books and magazines (16 March 1946)” from bundle IX on pp. 92-97)
HR-HDA-1803 Zbirka sudskih spisa o cenzuri Iljka Karamana (a digitised finding aid for the use in the reading hall) (o. 1992.)
Haramija, Predrag, ed. Stoljeće političkog plakata u Hrvatskoj: Kabinet grafike HAZU, lipanj - srpanj 1992. (A Century of the Political Poster in Croatia). Zagreb: Kabinet grafike Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 1992. (Note: Iljko Karaman collection is not mentioned explicitly, only in the box 2 there is a note that the material was borrowed for this exhibition)
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. 2000. "Zakoni o tisku u Hrvatskoj od 1945. do danas (Publishing Legislation in Croatia from 1945 to present)." Vjesnik bibliotekara hrvatske 43, no. 3: 117-134.
Karaman, Iljko. 1992. A personal note added to the file, HR-HDA-1803, Croatian State Archives, March 3, 1992.
Krapac, Davor. 1992. "The Role of the Public Prosecutor in (Former) Yugoslavia." Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu 42, no. 3: 5-22.
Mihaljević, Josip. 2016. Komunizam i čovjek: Odnos vlasti i pojedinca u Hrvatskoj (1958. – 1972.) (Communism and Man: the Relationship between the Government and the Individual in Croatia, 1958-1972). Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest.
Vukelić, Deniver. 2012. “Censorship in Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1952." PECOB's Papers series 19: 1-56. Pristup ostvaren 4. listopada 2016. (a complete "List of banned books and magazines (16 March 1946 )” on pp. 26-27, and a complete list of "Books that need to be urgently prohibited and their further circulation prevented" from bundle IX on pp. 48-52).
“Zakon o javnom tužilaštvu (Law on the Public Prosecution).” Službeni list SFRJ 21, no. 7 (1965): 149-153.
Zakon o štampi i drugim oblicima informacija (Law on the press and on other informing forms). (Beograd): Službeni list FNRJ, 1960.
Zakoni o udruženjima i zborovima, o štampi i izdavanju i raspač̌avanju omladinske i dečje književnosti i š̌tampe (Laws on associations and assemblies, on the press and on the publishing and distribution of youth and children's literature and press). Beograd: Službeni list FNRJ, 1947.
Zima, Snježana, e-mail message to Teodora Shek Brnardić, September 7, 2016.
Zrnić, Dijana. 2015. "Yugoslav Literature Under (Il)legal Censorship, 1945–90." Law & Literature 28, no. 2: 139-152. Accessed on October 4, 2016. doi:10.1080/1535685x.2014.989707.
Bukvić, Nenad, interview by Shek Brnardić, Teodora , May 10, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection