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William Totok - Colecție privată

The collection reflects the activity of the Romanian-German writer and journalist William Totok, persecuted by the communist authorities for the criticism towards Ceaușescu’s political regime expressed in his literary texts. The William Totok private collection comprises mainly books, literary manuscripts, drafts of academic papers, audio and video documents, and correspondence.



  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Romanian

Name of collection

  • William Totok Private Collection

Provenance and cultural activities

Description of content


  • grey literature (regular archival documents such as brochures, bulletins, leaflets, reports, intelligence files, records, working papers, meeting minutes): 100-499
  • manuscripts (ego-documents, diaries, notes, letters, drafts, etc.): 100-499
  • photos: 100-499
  • publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 1000-
  • video recordings (including oral history recordings): 100-499
  • voice recordings (including oral history recordings): 100-499



Geographical scope of recent operation

  • international


Date of founding

  • 1970

Place of founding

Creator(s) of content


Access type

  • visits by appointments


  • Totok, William. 1988. Die Zwänge der Erinnerung. Aufzeichnungen aus Rumänien. Hamburg: Junius.

    Totok, William. 2001. Constrângerea memoriei. Însemnări, documente, amintiri (The constraint of memory: notes, documents, memories). Iași: Polirom.


Author(s) of this page

  • Pintilescu, Corneliu


Arhiva Consiliului Naţional pentru Studiea Arhivelor Securităţii (ACNSAS), I 210 845, vol. 1–2; P 054927; I 233 471.

Arendt, Hannah. 1951. The Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.

Bahro, Rudolf. 1978. The Alternative in Eastern Europe. London: New Left Books/Verso.

Halbjahresschrift.blogspot. 2013. „Überwachung der Schriftsteller – Supravegherea scriitorilor.“Accessed March 12, 2018.  

Petrescu, Cristina. 2015. “Aktionsgruppe Banat Reconstructs Its Past, II: Secret Police Archives and Transitional Justice,” Arhivele Totalitarismului 23, 3–4: 131–144.

Petrescu, Dragoș. 2017. “Public Exposure without Lustration.” In Justice, Memory and Redress in Romania: New Insights, edited by Lavinia Stan and Lucian Turcescu, 124–144. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Totok, William. 1988. Die Zwänge der Erinnerung. Aufzeichnungen aus Rumänien. Hamburg: Junius.

Totok, William. 2001. Constrângerea memoriei. Însemnări, documente, amintiri (The constraint of memory: notes, documents, memories). Iași: Polirom.

Shafir,Michael. 1985. Romania, Politics, Economics, and Society: Political Stagnation and Simulated Change. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Sterbling. Anton. 2008. “Am Anfang war das Gespräch”.Reflexionen und Beiträge zur “Aktionsgruppe Banat” und andere literatur- und kunstbezogene Arbeiten. Hamburg: Krämer.

Wichner, Ernest, eds. 1992. Ein Pronomen ist verhaftet worden. Die frühen Jahre in Rumänien. Texte der Aktionsgruppe Banat. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

Wichner, Ernest. 2012. “‘Aktionsgruppe Banat’ die erste und letzte deutschsprachige Dichterschule in Rumänien,” Études Germaniques 3: 431–441.

Wichner, Ernest. 2013. Introduction to La început a fost dialogul. Grupul de Acțiune Banat și prietenii: poezii, proza, polemici(In the beginning was the dialogue: Banat Action Group and friends: poems, prose, polemics), edited by Corina Bernic and Ernest Wichner, 6–8. Iași: Polirom.


Totok, William, interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, June 12, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Last edited on: 2020-02-26 17:11:47