Archiwum Opozycji Ośrodka KARTA
Warszawa, Ul. Narbutta 29
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- Polish
Name of collection
- The Archive of the Opposition of KARTA Foundation
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- grey literature (regular archival documents such as brochures, bulletins, leaflets, reports, intelligence files, records, working papers, meeting minutes): 1000-
- photos: 1000-
- publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 1000-
- voice recordings (including oral history recordings): 500-999
Stakeholder(s) of the collection
Geographical scope of recent operation
- national
Date of founding
- 1991
Place of founding
Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland
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Creator(s) of content
Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
Access type
- completely open to the public
Iwaszkiewicz, Agnieszka. Katalog zbiorów Archiwum Opozycji: do 1990 roku. Warszawa: Ośrodek KARTA, 2001.
Iwaszkiewicz, Agnieszka, and Agnieszka Rudzińska. Katalog czasopism niezależnych wydanych w latach 1976-1990 w zbiorach Archiwum Peerelu. Warszawa: Ośrodek KARTA, 1996.
Author(s) of this page
- Gospodarczyk, Hanna
Zbigniew Gluza, Odkrycie KARTY. Niezależna strategia pamięci, Agnieszka Dębska (red.), Warszawa: Ośrodek KARTA i Dom Spotkań z Historią, 2012.
Harchut, Monika, interview by Melon, Maciej, May 11, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
Last edited on: 2020-03-02 14:30:01