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Archiwum Zbigniewa Libery



  • English
  • Polish

Name of collection

  • Zbigniew Libera Archive

Provenance and cultural activities

Description of content


  • film: 10-99
  • music recordings: 0-9
  • other artworks (that cannot be classified by other filter categories such as paintings, sculptures, graphics, etc.): 10-99
  • photos: 500-999


Stakeholder(s) of the collection

Geographical scope of recent operation

  • national


Date of founding

  • 1959

Place of founding

Creator(s) of content


Access type

  • completely open to the public

Author(s) of this page

  • Szenajch, Piotr


Zbigniew Libera Archive, Artists’ Archives of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw,

Libera Zbigniew, conversation with Gorczyca Łukasz and Żmijewski Artur, Artysta nie może być odpowiedzialny [Artist cannot be responsible] [in:] Żmijewski Artur, Drżące ciała. Rozmowy z artystami, Korporacja Ha!Art, Kraków 2006.

Monkiewicz Dorota, Zbigniew Libera. Prolegomena biograficzne do twórczości z lat 80. [Zbigniew Libera. Biographical prolegomena for the works in the 80s] [in:] Ukryta Dekada. Polska sztuka wideo 1985-1995, eds. Piotr Krajewski, Violetta Kutlubasis-Krajewska, Centrum Sztuki WRO, Wrocław 2010, pp. 141-149.

Ronduda Łukasz, Tożsamość transytowa – życie i twórczość Zbigniewa Libery w latach 1981-2006[Transit identity – life and work of Zbigniew Libera from 1981 to 2006] [in:] Zbigniew Libera. Prace z lat 1982-2008, Warszawa 2009, pp. 24-37.

Sienkiewicz Karol, Zatańczą ci, co drżeli. Polska sztuka krytyczna, [Those who trembled, will be the ones to dance. Polish critical art], Karakter, Kraków 2014.

Sienkiewicz Karol, Zbigniew Libera, 2007,

Foster Hall, For a Concept of the Political in Contemporary Art, [in:] Recordings. Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics, pp. 121-138, Bay Press, Seattle 1985.

Zydorowicz Jacek, Artystyczny wirus [Artistic Virus], Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, Warszawa 2005.

Autobiographical narrative interview with Zbigniew Libera by Piotr Szenajch. Unpublished. Conducted 17.12.2013.

Jarosz, Robert , interview by Szenajch, Piotr, June 07, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Last edited on: 2020-03-02 14:23:40