Oldřich Škácha (1941–2014) was a Czech documentary photographer, dissident and signatory of Charter 77. He was famous as one of Václav Havel’s main photographers. He took his first photos of Václav Havel in the early 1970s. This collection of his photographs, which has been part of the archive of the Václav Havel Library since 2015, not only depicts Václav Havel himself, but also the dissident and cultural milieu of pre-1989 Czechoslovakia. These photographs have been exhibited several times. An outdoor exhibition of Oldřich Škácha’s large-format photographs was organised in 2016 in Prague to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Václav Havel’s birth. From August to September 2018, an exhibition entitled “Occupation 1968”, held at the Czech Photo Centre in Prague, presented a collection of photographs by Oldřich Škácha, depicting the first days of the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops. In 2012, more than 60 black-and-white photographs by Oldřich Škácha of Václav Havel between 1975 and 2011 were published in a book entitled “Havel Forever”.
Ostrovní 13, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
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Post Bellum. 2019. "Pocta Václavu Havlovi ve fotografiích Oldřicha Škáchy." Accessed January 16. https://www.postbellum.cz/co-delame/vystavy/pocta-vaclavu-havlovi-ve-fotografiich-oldricha-skachy/.
Škácha Oldřich, and Pavel Chalupa, ed. 2012. Havel navždy = Havel forever. V Řevnicích: Arbor vitae.
Vidlák, Martin, interview by Kůželová, Michaela, May 09, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection