Diseminarea Colecției Noroc de la AOSPR Moldova
The AOSPRM has not engaged in any dissemination activity relating to this collection. However, certain materials pertaining to the collection have been used in a number of publications and film productions covering the Noroc phenomenon. The most relevant recent example concerns two well-documented books published by the Moldovan musical and film critic and author Mihai Ștefan Poiată: Rock-ul, NOROC-ul și noi (1966-1970) [Rock, NOROC, and Us] (Chișinău: ARC, 2013) and Mihai Dolgan: De ce au plâns chitarele? [Mihai Dolgan: Why Did the Guitars Cry?] (Chișinău: ARC, 2017). These books feature a number of valuable interviews and first-hand accounts from a variety of protagonists and persons more or less directly involved in the group’s activity. Another relevant example concerns a documentary movie released in 2015, produced by Alex Calancea and written/ directed by Victoria Cușnir (Bucurie de Noroc la Orizont de Plai, 2015), which also includes references to the collection materials. Finally, these materials have been analysed and discussed in several publications by Moldovan historians (e.g., Igor Cașu). Due to these publications, the essential information stored in the collection has become accessible to the wider public.
Last edited on: 2018-08-14 20:35:44