Diseminarea Colecției Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova
The most important event for the dissemination of the materials relating to this collection was the recent publication of the proceedings of the Third Congress of the MWU in a volume co-edited by the Moldovan researchers Vasile Bahnaru and Gheorghe Cojocaru. This publication, which appeared in 2016, collected a series of valuable texts concerning the Third Congress of the MWU, its broader implications for the local public sphere and the response of the authorities. Specifically, the editors made extensive use of the collections of the Mihail Kogălniceanu Museum of Romanian Literature (including the audio recording of the Congress proceedings) and a wide array of the periodical press from that era (e.g., the literary journals Nistru and Cultura and the official newspapers Moldova Socialistă and Sovetskaia Moldavia) in order to convey a complete picture of the event and its aftermath. They also used Fond 51 of the AOSPRM (The Fond of the Central Committee of the CPM), which holds the minutes of the Party meetings convened in December 1965 to discuss writers’ “subversive attitudes” and the appropriate counter-measures. This volume revived general public interest in the Third Congress of the MWU, serving as a significant complementary material to the documents stored in Fond P-2955 of the AOSPRM. The volume is available to a wide audience of potential readers and will hopefully have an impact on reassessing the role of Moldavian writers under Soviet rule.
Last edited on: 2017-12-06 10:15:54