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Commission for the Examination of Nationalist Phenomena in the Emigrant Foundation of Croatia (1964-1967)

President of the Emigrant Foundation of Croatia Većeslav Holjevac with the emigrants, 1960s


  • Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
    Show on map


  • Croatian

Name of collection

  • Commission for the examination of nationalist phenomena in the Emigrant Foundation of Croatia (1964-1967)

Provenance and cultural activities

Description of content


  • grey literature (regular archival documents such as brochures, bulletins, leaflets, reports, intelligence files, records, working papers, meeting minutes): 100-499

Geographical scope of recent operation

  • diaspora

Date of founding

  • 1964

Place of founding

Access type

  • completely open to the public

Author(s) of this page

  • Šarić, Tatjana


  1. Goldstein, Ivo. Hrvatska povijest 1918. – 2008. (Croatian history 1918 – 2008), Zagreb: Europapress holding, Novi Liber, 2008. 
  2. Holjevac, Većeslav. Hrvati izvan domovine (Croats abroad), Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 1968.
  3. Horvat, Branko. ABC jugoslavenskog socijalizma (ABC of the Yugoslav socialism). Zagreb: Globus, 1989.
  4. HR-HDA-1220.3.2.1. Centralni komitet Saveza komunista Hrvatske (1941. – 1990.), Izvršni komitet, Radne grupe i komisije, Komisija za ispitivanje nacionalističkih pojava u Matici iseljenika Hrvatske (HR-HDA-1220.3.2.1. League of Communists of Croatia Central Committee (1941-1990), Executive Committee, Working groups and commisssions, Commission for the examination of nationalist phenomena in the Emigrant Foundation of Croatia)
  5. HR-HDA-1220.3.2. Centralni komitet Saveza komunista Hrvatske (1941. – 1990.), Izvršni komitet, Radne grupe i komisije, Komisija za društveno-politička pitanja iseljenika 1966. – 1969. (League of Communists of Croatia Central Committee [1941-1990] , Executive Committee, Working groups and commisssions, Commission for Socio-Political Issues of Emigrants 1966 – 1969)
  6. HR-HDA-1228. Socijalistički savez radnog naroda Hrvatske, Komisija za nacionalne manjine 1953.-1967., Matica iseljenika Hrvatske 1956.-1967. (HR-HDA-1228.  the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Croatia, Commission for National Minorities 1953.-1967., Emigrant Foundation of Croatia 1956.-1967.)
  7. Kraljević, Iva. “Matica iseljenika Hrvatske 1964. – 1968.” („Emigrant Foundation of Croatia 1964 -1968“). Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 41 (2009) 1: 71–92.
  8. Kraljević, Iva. “Većeslav Holjevac – predsjednik Matice iseljenika Hrvatske 1964. -1968.” (Većeslav Holjevac –  President of Emigrant Foundation of Croatia 1964 -1968). Magistarski rad. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2007.
  9. Spehnjak, Katarina. “Većeslav Holjevac u političkim događajima 1967. godine” („Većeslav Holjevac in political events in 1967“). Časopis za suvremenu povijest 32 (2000) 3: 567–596.


Last edited on: 2020-02-26 13:55:06