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Gordana Vnuk Personal Collection



  • Croatian
  • English

Name of collection

  • Gordana Vnuk Personal Collection

Provenance and cultural activities

Description of content


  • manuscripts (ego-documents, diaries, notes, letters, drafts, etc.): 10-99
  • photos: 100-499
  • publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 1000-
  • video recordings (including oral history recordings): 100-499
  • voice recordings (including oral history recordings): 10-99



Geographical scope of recent operation

  • international


Date of founding

  • 1977

Place of founding

Creator(s) of content


Access type

  • visits by appointments


  • 1. Matan, Branko. Eurokaz: 1987 – 2001. Zagreb: Eurokaz festival, 2002.

    2. Valent, Milko. Eurokaz - užareni suncostaj (Eurokaz-Burning Solstice). Zagreb: Naklada MD, 2002.

    3. Vnuk, Gordana, editor. 20 years of Eurokaz: [1987-2006]. Zagreb: Eurokaz festival, 2006.

Author(s) of this page

  • Bencetić, Lidija
  • Vnuk, Gordana


1. Blažević, Marin. Razgovori o novom kazalištu. Zagreb: Centar za dramsku umjetnost, 2007.

2. Blažević, Marin. Izboren poraz: novo kazalište u hrvatskome glumištu od Gavelle do - - -. Zagreb: Disput, 2012.

3. Kesić, Vesna. ˝Vježbanje retorike uz pomoć autoriziranog pamćenja; Ili: o dubinskom politikanstvu˝, Gordogan, 1987 (9), br. 26-27, 176-188.

4. Kovačević, Božo. ˝Neue slowenische Kunst und alte kroatische Politik˝, Gordogan, 1987 (9), br. 25, 205-211.

5. Matan, Branko. Eurokaz: 1987 – 2001. Zagreb: Eurokaz festival, 2002.

6. Valent, Milko. Eurokaz - užareni suncostaj. Zagreb: Naklada MD, 2002.

7. Višnić, Emina i Zvonimir Dobrović. ˝Vrata kulturno-političkoga rezervata (Brezovčev teatar u retro/vizoru ili Coccolemoccovi tragovi)˝. Zarez, 73, 31. siječanj 2002., 33.

8. Vnuk, Gordana, editor. 20 years of Eurokaz: [1987-2006]. Zagreb: Eurokaz festival, 2006.

9. Vnuk, Gordana. ˝Hrvatska alternativna scena sedamdesetih˝. Kazalište (XIII), 2010., br. 43/44, 46-55.

Vnuk, Gordana, interview by Bencetić, Lidija , January 26, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Last edited on: 2020-03-02 14:29:39