Adrian Marino - Fondul de la BCU Cluj–Napoca
The collection illustrates Adrian Marino’s intellectual evolution as a historian and literary critic who chose to pursue his activity outside the institutions controlled by the communist regime. The Marino Collection includes books, original manuscripts, and the author’s correspondence, which reflects a critical perspective on Romanian literary life in the period 1964–1989.
Cluj-Napoca Strada Clinicilor 2, Romania 400000
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Name of collection
- Adrian Marino Collection
Provenance and cultural activities
Description of content
- manuscripts (ego-documents, diaries, notes, letters, drafts, etc.): 500-999
- photos: 10-99
- publications (books, newspapers, articles, press clippings): 1000-
Geographical scope of recent operation
- regional
Date of founding
- 1964
Place of founding
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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Creator(s) of content
Important events in the history of the collection
Featured items
Access type
- completely open to the public
Ilis, Florina. 2010. “Studiu introductiv” (Introductory Study). In Viaţa, opera şi activitatea lui Adrian Marino: Cercetare bibliografică şi de referinţă (Adrian Marino’s life, work and activity: Bibliografical research). Edited by Florina Ilis, ix–lxvii. Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut.
Author(s) of this page
- Petrescu, Cristina
- Pintilescu, Corneliu
BCU Cluj-Napoca. 2016. “Donaţii şi donatori de prestigiu” (Donations and prestigious donors). Accessed October 9, 2016.
Ilis, Florina. 2010. “Studiu introductiv” (Introductory Study). In Viaţa, opera şi activitatea lui Adrian Marino: Cercetare bibliografică şi de referinţă (Adrian Marino’s life, work and activity: Bibliografical research). Edited by Florina Ilis, ix–lxvii. Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut.
Lefter, Ion Bogdan. 2006. Adrian Marino – Un proiect pentru cultura română: Analize şi evocări (Adrian Marino – A project for the Romanian culture: Analyses and recollections). Craiova: Editura Aius.
Marino, Adrian. 2010. Viaţa unui om singur (The life of a lonely man). Iaşi: Polirom.
Ilis, Florina Liliana, interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, November 11, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection