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17 collections found
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The Hans Otto Roth Collection includes documents gathered in the period 1919–1951 by the creator of the collection in order to illustrate his activity as a political leader and journalist of the Transylvanian Saxons who opposed both the pre-communist extreme right movements and regimes and the communist regime.

The collection is made up of the papers of the avant-garde multimedia conceptual artist Hardijs Lediņš (1955-2004). It reflects his activities, and those of his collaborator Juris Boiko (1954-2002), as well as a number of their friends who were at the centre of alternative culture in Latvia in the 1970s and 1980s.

The breakdance movement emerged in the GDR in the 1980s. The private collection of Heiko Hahnewald represents one of the largest repositories of materials concerning this movement and provides insight into how breakdance culture found its place within the confines of life in the GDR as well as its continued development after 1990.
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